The KDF-85 media reduces iron and hydrogen sulfide from your water supply. The KDF-85 process media can remove up to 99% of water-soluble lead, mercury, nickel, chromium, and other dissolved metals. IT can also control the buildup of bacteria, algae, fungi and scale, making it ideal for use in GAC beds, ion exchange resins, carbon block filters and inline carbon filters. This unique, innovative and environmentally responsible media consists of high purity copper-zinc granules that use redox (the exchange of electrons) in patented products to effectively reduce/remove iron, hydrogen sulfide and control microorganisms in potable water without the use of chemicals. KDF-85 is highly efficient and tank size requirements are modest for more economical system engineering and installation. For every pound of KDF-85 media, you should be able to receive 10,000 gallons of chlorine taste and odor removal. KDF-85 works great for municipal or well water.