1.5 lb bag for high levels of CYA and/or large pools over 10,000 gallons
Saves time, money, and water by reducing CYA levels without the need to drain your pool.
For best results run the pool pump 24 hours a day, CYA levels will drop by about 10 ppm per week.
Fits inside pool skimmer basket to reduce CYA levels in your pool.
GreenStory Global's CYA remover is the easiest way to end chlorine lock without needing to drain your pool. Simply drop the pouch into your pool skimmer and let it do all the work. The CYA remover pouch works by adsorbing the CYA out of the water as it filters through the pouch. It works at any temperature and will reduce the CYA by around 10ppm per week without any other impact on pool chemistry. GreenStory Global CYA remover is made in the USA. Use 1 lb. bags for general maintenance and small pools, and 1.5 lb. bags for very high levels of CYA or larger pools.
Why is too much CYA a Problem?
CYA (Cyanuric acid) is a chlorine stabilizer and buffer commonly used to maintain chlorine levels in swimming pools, and some stabilized chlorine tablets like Trichlor and Dichlor tablets have CYA mixed directly in with the chlorine. This can become a problem if the CYA level rises above the 30-50 ppm as too much CYA will prevent chlorine from effectively sanitizing the water leading to an increase in bacteria, algae, and cloudiness of the water.
Historically the most effective way to reduce the level of CYA in your pool was simply to drain the pool halfway or more and fill it back up to dilute the concentration of CYA remaining. This could be a costly and time consuming process, and some states will even ban refilling pools due drought conditions making it almost impossible to correct elevated CYA levels. GreenStory Global's CYA remover uses a special filtration resin to remove CYA from the water without needing to drain the pool.
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